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Stokes Healthcare is dedicated to keeping you informed of all the latest product announcements, industry news, and veterinary care best practices.

We know that having a cluttered inbox can be overwhelming and that a number of your practice activities having gone digital, increasing the amount of email you receive. Signing up for our subscriber list does not mean we will be filling your inbox daily. We are committed to helping you keep your focus right where it should be—on your patients—with the latest information on hand to provide the best care possible. 

Disclaimer: By signing up, you are agreeing to receive emails from both Epicur Pharma and Stokes Pharmacy, two divisions of Stokes Healthcare.

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What You'll See in Your Inbox:

  • Product Updates
    • These emails will include important product updates, product availability, and portfolio changes. Specialty groups will receive product updates that best fit their patients’ needs.
  • Monthly Newsletter
    • In this round-up of our latest updates, you will receive our newest educational content, including articles with industry experts, blogs on trending topics, or downloads such as ebooks, guides, and more to help your practice.
  • Webinars and Events
    • To ensure you don’t miss opportunities for CE or new learning, we may send information about company events we attend, webinars we host, and more.